Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Factor of the Ageing Population.

Planning for all age groups is an inviolable principle; in practice, however, planners have been unduly preoccupied with certain age groups. The general approach to community development and planning has been in consideration with child- or family-centered. With the rising medical facilities the life span of the race of human beings is also increasing considerably. The effects can be seen in many of the developed countries and is steadily hitting the developing world. To create the spaces for the aged population hence should be a key consideration for the planners while designing the urban spaces. Over the past 25 years the number of people aged 65 and over has risen to 17% of the UK population, an increase of 1.7 million, and by 2035 this will rise to 23%. What's more, as the global population ages, growing numbers of us are choosing to living in the city.

If the aged were no different in character and kind from other age groups, then there would be no need to consider them as a separate group deserving special consideration in the planning context. But there is a growing body of evidence that the process of aging, in which there is a gradual attrition of physiological and mental faculties as well as economic resources, has definite implications for environmental planning. It is an oversimplification to say that planning, as it is presently conceived and carried out, will automatically meet the needs of elderly citizens; if anything, some fresh thinking is required.
The success of the planning exercise depends variably on the weightage of the predictions made. The Cities aren’t an entity which are formed or developed in a certain time frame. The planners, especially in the developing world has to be more aware of the changes not only in the field related with the urban planning, but also the advancements, improvements and changes being experienced at an accelerated pace in the factors involved in the field of human settlements.
The Two Sticks
Source :- http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/research/key-issues-for-the-new-parliament/value-for-money-in-public-services/the-ageing-population/
The ageing population can’t be ignored in any sense as if the planning exercise is wisely done, they may become a guiding lamp for the inhabitants and their amount of experience can’t be denied in the formation of the healthy society. One of the things which are a differentiating factor among the rural and urban settlements is the lack of proper guidance to the urban youth by the elderly society which to many extent is still the same in the rural backdrops which subsequently leads to the increase in the crime rates. It may be regulated if the needs of the ageing population are taken care of with the planning tool as well as their mergence with the young minds by providing social spaces that encourages it.
A Moment Of Hapiness
Source :- http://comluv.com/work-relationship-even-grow-old/
Recognising the practical needs of different generations within cities will be central to the process of making cities more age-friendly. An ageing population ultimately creates more demand on social and healthcare systems and this presents a number of challenges for the project. By recognising the diversity among older people – by promoting inclusion in all areas of community life, and by anticipating and responding to people's needs – cities can capitalise on the significant resource that older people provide. Through the economy, community life, volunteering and civic participation, we can foster a socially-engaged, active older population which will be positive for everyone living in our cities.

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